| Cleaning Tips
6. Toss toxic cleaners carefully – if you think that some of the cleaning products are toxic don’t throw them in the trash. If they are too toxic for your home, they won’t be any better for the landfill or the drain. There are a lot of places where you can recycle chemicals, toxics and electronics. Just google it and find the easiest way for you.
7. Avoid conventional dry cleaners – conventional dry cleaners are the largest user of Perchloroethylene, or perc, which ... Read more about Top Green Cleaning Tips (Part 2) ... |
The average kitchen chopping board has around 200% more faecal bacteria on it than the average toilet seat. Hygiene experts advise you to use separate chopping boards for red meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Use olive oil, salt and lemon to clean and protect your chopping board.
Cleaning after fruit, bread or vegetables
Use olive oil to protect your new wooden chopping board. Rub on it large dose olive oil and let it to soak in overnight. Repeat the procedure ... Read more about How to clean a chopping board ... |
Hey, everyone! Temperatures are up, the sun is showing more frequently - summer is here! This brings mosquitoes as well.. Check this out - an idea for homemade spray against mosquitoes.
The ingredients you need are simple + a spray bottle to make the mixture easy to use:
- 15 drops lavender oil
- 3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
- 1/4 Cup lemon juice.
Fill bottle with water.
Try it, and when you see how effective this homemade mosquito repellent is, you may ... Read more about How To Make Homemade Mosquito Repellent ... |
1. Employ green cleaning products - as we all know today's cleaning products are mostly made of petroleum which raises some health and environmental issues. Of course, there are some brands of healthy, green and effective, non-toxic cleaning products on the market. DIY products are also a great way to clean green - mix baking soda or vinegar with some warm water and you'll have an all-purpose cleaner.
2. Avoid poor indoor air quality - nowadays, homes and building are v ... Read more about Top Green Cleaning Tips (Part 1) ... |
INFUSED WATERS for HEALTHIER lifestyle - perfect for detoxication, energy, hydration, appetite control and a lot more!
1. Green tea, mint, and lime - For fat burning, digestion, headaches, congestion and breath freshener.
2. Strawberry and kiwi - For cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation, digestion.
3. Cucumber, lime, and lemon - For water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration, digestion
4. Lemon, lime, and orange - ... Read more about Infused Waters ... |
It is really painful task to clean all the grease, fats and oils. Hand cream, salad dressing, bacon – it all has the habit of spreading itself about. Here are some useful cleaning tips, which will help you to remove these stains.
From carpet: Use a kitchen towel and place it over the spill. Apply a cool iron to the other side to draw oils up into the paper and the last thing - shampoo the carpet.
From fabric: Use a pre-wash stain treatment or liq ... Read more about How to Remove Grease, Fats and Oils ... |
1. Turn of the TV so it’s easier for you to see any dirt, dust, grime and you will not interfere with any pixels. Use a microfiber cloth – it will not leave any lint on the surface. You should buy a microfiber cloth if you don’t have one, as any other materials may scratch the screen. Clean the hard frame of the TV, pressing a little harder.
2. Make a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water – that wou ... Read more about 3 Steps to Clean a Flat Screen TV ... |
Summer is already here and fans and air conditioners are necessary if we want to beat the heat. Here are some useful and speedy tricks to clean up fans and air conditioners. One of the biggest challenges for cleaning are shabby ceiling-fan blades, dusty portable fans and clogged air conditioner filters and vents.
Here are the tools you will need:
Old tablecloth or sheet
Extendable duster and step stool
Microfiber cloth
... Read more about Cleaning tips for Fans and Air Conditioners ... |
1. Banish buildup Mix your liquid soap with some baking soda and scrub it into the glass shower door. It’s essential that you use a non-scratch sponge, in order to prevent any damages.
2. Multitasking When you’re finishing up with your shower, just put some water over the shower doors. Use a sponge or foam cleaning pad.
3. Citrus solution Cut lemons in halves and dip them into baking soda. Then rub on the glass door to keep it clean for a longer period.
4. Tools There ... Read more about 6 Steps to Sparkling Shower Doors ... |
There are things, which might be tempting to vacuum, but you will regret it after that. This cleaning advice will be useful and you will be aware of the things you should never vacuum. If you think that you can use your vacuum cleaner as universal tool for cleaning - you are wrong. There are a few items you will need to clean up another way, otherwise you could damage your vacuum cleaner.
1) Large pieces of glass – These pieces of glass could ... Read more about Things you should never vacuum ... | (1) - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 If you want to book our Blackheath London cleaning services, please feel free to call us on 077 130 97 451. | |
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