Ok, we all know how awfully boring is to clean your closet. It’s even a little bit scary – throwing away some of your clothes may seem painful to some of us. Anyways, here are some good tips on how to get rid of the stuff we don’t need and clean our closets – something which you do yourself preferably, not the cleaning lady.
List – write everything down on a paper. That simplifies the process and helps you make decisions faster. Decide which are your favourite clothes and choose what to let go of.
Charity – we are all good people, aren’t we? When you don’t need something anymore, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be useful to anyone else. Consider charity when you get to the Throwing-away list.
Is it a Keeper? – if you love this item, if it looks good on you and shows you the exact light you want to be projected in, then it really is a keeper. Don’t let go of it!
Zones – When you start dressing up in the morning what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? “What’s the weather?”, “Do I feel like wearing blue today?”, “Classy outfit?”, “Business outfit?”. Choose an order in which to set up zones in your wardrobe that could really be useful to you.
Hangers – hangers are very important to clothes – sometimes if their quality is poor they may ruin your clothes!
Keep Calm and Carry On – sometimes when you’re almost done with your closet-cleaning you may start feeling like there’s nothing left for you to wear anymore. Don’t worry, you are just used to seeing stuff you don’t need.
Shoes – you will fit more shoes on your shelves if you store pairs with the right and left shoe facing opposite directions (one over another).
When? – If you are not able to decide if you should toss an item away or not just ask two simple questions: Is the item or the clear space more valuable? Does is remind me of something good? – and here is your answer.
Bags – if you want your wardrobe to look better, put your underwear for example is small bags, so it doesn’t go all around the shelves.
Decorate – woo-hoo! The interesting part: put a mirror or a piece of beautiful wallpaper to add delight and elegance to your closet!