Everybody hates to see stains on their mattress. It’s not very pleasant to know that you are sleeping on it. Here’s a quick cleaning tip on how to remove those stains.
Spots and stains usually come in 3 varieties but we are going to cover only protein stains as they include blood, sweat, vomit and other body liquids which are most likely to have contact with the mattress. The fresher the stain is, the easier for you to get rid of it!
Fresh protein stains can easily be removes with salt, baking soda and water. Create a paste, rub it on the area and clean it after 30 minutes. Remember that if it is a liquid spot, you should only use pressing motion, rather than circular. And one more thing – protein stains come out with the use of cool water, not warm! If the trick with the paste doesn’t completely work, you should mix 2 parts of hydrogen peroxide and one part dish soap – one of the perfect domestic stain removing mixtures. Apply it on the mattress and gently brush with a toothbrush. Leave it for 5 minutes and wipe up with cool damp cloth.
Just remember one more thing: use as little liquid as possible and be sure that your mattress in completely dry, in order to prevent mould spores growth.